Sunday, March 22, 2009

Glasses For Ashley

Ashley's new look. She loves them and I'm glad. They have so many cute choices these days it was hard to pick. So I pretty much left it up to her.

A Recent of My 3 Girls

Kiley doesn't like this thing much because she only goes backwards. I don't like it because she runs into the walls. So therefore, it's time to make it a driveway toy for when we're hanging outside. Mak...she's a mess ALWAYS! Always dirty and into something. She has pants on, it's just the bloomers to a dress. She changes MANY times a day. Ashley, she's just EASY!!

Learning To Walk Is The Next Step

Kiley learning to walk with her toy. When she fell she hasn't quite caught that you need to let go and it flipped over on her. She wasn't happy about it and I'm sure she wasn't happy I was taking pics instead of helping her. :-) I twas just a first moment I had to capture. She likes to walk on her tip toes which is making it difficult.

Chivas Soccer Fundraiser

We had a trash pick up fundraiser for the Chivas. We picked up about 40 bags of trash on top of the cave my mom works for. It actually wasn't that bad! The girls found a bike and really wanted it to work, but the tires were flat and really bent. Then we found a monkey thing that someone probably won at a carnival. All in all it was easy money for our team & community service is always good for kids to learn just how good they have it!

Everyone Loves Ice Cream

Kiley had her first taste of a low-fat fudgesicle & loved it!

Kiley...Pulling Up Is The First Step

I feel like I post alot about Kiley, a little bit about Makayla, & nothing about Ashley. Well, truth is, kids do/learn more in their first year of life than any other year. So therefore, I'm taking pictures of all the 1st happenings. Plus, sometimes Ashley is with her dad and is unfortunately not able to be in all the pictures. :-( A few of her coming soon though.... Anyway, Kiley started pulling up on things this month and able to stand on just about anything. She even found the tupperware drawer! She's not much for just sitting around. She likes to be held ALOT, crawls to find me and try to climb up my legs, or I have to stand her on something so she can see what I'm doing.

Fun After The Snow

Makayla played dress up in one of Ashleys old Halloween costumes (which are the best things ever to keep!) Then when I wasn't looking like a bad mom, she put Kiley in a laundry basket and she just sat there like it was no big deal!

Snow In March

We had about 7 inches of snow at our house in MARCH! It was fun to play in though as you can see. Makayla loved it and it was the first time all winter we were actually able to play. I just wish Ash had been home this day. :-(

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ashley Loves Being Big Sister...well, Sometimes

Ashley & Kiley remind me so much of eachother as babies. They look quite a bit alike too, which alot of people say is like me. I tried to get the other picture turned, but it wasn't working. It was a cute picture though, so I had to keep it on. Ashley is a big helper with Kiley even though I know sometimes she gets tired of it. Sometimes my hands are just full doing something else and so it's wonderful having her help! She loves to snuggle with Kiley & reads all the time to Makayla. She's a great big sister!

Kevin Turned 32

On February 20th Kevin celebrated yet another wonderful year. We went out with some friends on Friday night for dinner and a couple of drinks. Then Saturday night his mom & dad came over for enchiladas, oatmeal cake that his mom makes that's wonderful, & then a little play time with the girls. Then on Sunday another party at my moms where we had dinner & cake/ice cream. Luckily we cheat on our diets on weekends. Kevin has lost 15lbs so far and I've lost 10lbs. We are eating healthier & working out 5-6 days at the gym. The girls are adjusting to it too....for one, we eat alot of chicken & ground turkey, plus wheat everything if we have any carbs at all. Then of course, lots of fruits and vegetables. So all in all, it's good for everyone. Here are a few pics of the birthday celebrations.....

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

4 Day Weekend

Ashley was out of school on Friday February 13th for teachers meetings and off on Monday for Presidents Day. So we filled out time with the usual soccer game, sleepovers, birthday parties, & fun outings. Kiley was very entertained popping bubbles with her dad....he'd blow them & she'd pop them. This lasted for about 30 minutes. She was so fascinated & quiet. Ashley also lost her 7th tooth on Monday. She also had her first "grounding" this weekend. I'm sure there's just many more of those days to come. So she wasn't able to watch tv & pretty much read for a whole day straight. This gave her the chance to have a some quality time with her sisters. Makayla loves it when we read to her & Kiley's good at eating the books. I went to Ashley's Valentine's party at school...have to take advantage of them since one day I won't be cool enough. I really enjoy watching her with the other kids, they have so much fun. Then on Monday we spent the day with my mom "nana". She took us to lunch at Burger King and then over to Tunnel Voyage for some fun. My nieces Haylee & Elle also joined us. We had a great 4 days and it makes me anxious for summer times home!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hat Time, Then Bath Time...

We found this hat and had to see what it looked like on her....Hideous to say the least and it made her even more top heavy than she already is.
Then it was bath time & Kiley can finally sit up on her own without slipping around. Ashley's just too big anymore to get in and join them.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Beginning Of A New Site...

Hello & Welcome to our lives! This is a way for me to keep track of what we do in the days to come and backtrack for when it's time to scrapbook those times. It's also a way to keep our family & friends updated on our lives that we don't see often enough. We miss those we don't see and would love to know if you have a blog yourselves to keep us up to date.

For those of you that don't know much about us, here's our story in a nut shell:

I grew up in Lee's Summit, MO. When I was 19 I found out I was pregnant and and life took a different course then I had planned. After being single for a few years, I met Kevin on a blind date. I didn't have much to lose at this point, dating was not fun! First date was ok, but after the 2nd date he was hooked. :-) We were engaged 3 months later and married 6 months after that. We've now been married 5 years this May and have 2 more beautiful daughters. We have a fence business, Elite Fence & Deck, Inc., which keeps Kevin busy....well, until the economy went south. I did stay at home full time (again, until the economy went bad) and now I work 4 days a week for my brother in law at Lint & Singleton CPA.
Feel free to follow us on our journey of parenthood.